Primary Care


Primary Care is the cornerstone of healthcare, emphasizing preventive measures, health promotion, and management of common medical conditions. Access Total Care excels in providing comprehensive and patient-centered primary care services to individuals of all ages. With a team of highly skilled and compassionate healthcare professionals, 

Access Total Care ensures easy accessibility to routine check-ups, vaccinations, screenings, and chronic disease management. Through personalized treatment plans and a focus on building long-term patient-provider relationships, Access Total Care strives to enhance overall health and well-being, empowering patients to lead healthier lives and catch potential health issues early on. Their dedication to quality care and preventive medicine makes them an invaluable resource for maintaining optimal health.

Primary care services


Choosing Access Total Care for primary care is a wise decision due to their patient-centered approach, preventive focus, and skilled healthcare professionals. Their commitment to personalized treatment plans ensures that patients receive individualized attention and care, fostering a strong and trusting patient-provider relationship. 

With a focus on preventive measures and early detection, Access Total Care aims to improve overall well-being and reduce the likelihood of more serious health issues. The team’s expertise and dedication to staying updated on medical advancements ensure high-quality care for every patient. Access Total Care’s accessibility and convenience make it easier for individuals to prioritize their health and engage in regular preventive services, leading to better long-term health outcomes.

Why Choose Primary Care Services?

Primary care offers a better alternative to urgent care for several key reasons. Firstly, primary care providers offer comprehensive and continuous care, establishing a long-term relationship with patients and gaining a deep understanding of their medical history and individual needs. This familiarity enables more personalized and effective treatment plans. 

Primary care emphasizes preventive medicine, encouraging regular check-ups and screenings to detect potential health issues early on, reducing the need for urgent interventions. Additionally, primary care offices typically have more extended operating hours and better accessibility for non-emergency medical concerns, providing timely care without the long wait times often associated with urgent care facilities. 

Overall, the patient-centered approach, emphasis on prevention, and enhanced accessibility make primary care a superior choice for maintaining overall health and managing chronic conditions compared to urgent care.

Primary Care Vs Urgent Care

Primary care is generally less expensive than urgent care due to its preventive and comprehensive approach to healthcare. By emphasizing regular check-ups, screenings, and disease management, primary care aims to identify and address health issues early on, preventing them from escalating into more serious and costly conditions. 

Primary care providers build long-term relationships with patients, gaining a deep understanding of their medical history, lifestyle, and unique needs, which allows for more personalized and cost-effective treatment plans. In contrast, urgent care centers are designed to handle immediate but non-life-threatening medical needs, often charging higher fees for convenience and after-hours services. 

While urgent care can be beneficial for immediate healthcare needs, primary care’s focus on prevention and continuity of care makes it a more affordable and sustainable option for maintaining overall health and managing chronic conditions.

General Primary Care Services & Treatments